Friday, May 27, 2011

Confession of a Decorator

As a decorator and crafter at heart, I face a common dilemma.  Do I finish one room or space before moving onto the next project, or simply conquer something that inspires me at the moment?  The reason this is a dilemma is because I am (thankfully) married to a very budget-conscience, cash-only, husband.  Some weeks I have a little money to spend on enhancing our home and other weeks I have a little bit more (depending if I can convince my family to eat sandwiches for dinner).  In truth, the Lord often convicts me of my envious heart.  As a self-proclaimed designer and home stager, it is often difficult for me to be satisfied or content with my own home as I study other people's blogs and designer homes.  But then graciously, the Lord reminds me what is most important. Him.  He pulls me back into Him and redirects the desire of my heart: to love and serve Him above all. 

Which brings me back full circle with a change of heart, attitude and perspective on the whole dilemma; how to decorate on a tight budget: one room at a time or one statement piece at a time?  The answer is this.  In the end it doesn't really matter.  What matters is my Godly character, honoring the Lord, and serving others with the gift of hospitality.  So whether I decide to focus my energies on a whole space or one random piece at a time, I need to remind myself that God comes first and my eternal residence is in heaven.

Wishing you all a blessed day!


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